We thank you for your participation in the writing of Rebbetzin Sara Rochel's Sefer Torah.
May her soul be an everlasting, eternal source of comfort and strength for all of us.

Please choose from the following dedication opportunities below:
(You may also fax or mail your dedication - see bottom of page.)

Sefer Torah Crown - $10,000.00
Sefer/Book - $5,400.00
Please choose sefer:
Special Selections - $3,600.00
Please choose:
Sedra/Weekly Torah Portion - $1,800.00
Which Sedra/Weekly Torah Portion?
Aliya/Daily Torah Portion - $1,000.00
Which Aliya - Daily Torah Portion?
Perek/Chapter - $540.00
Which Perek - Chapter?
Torah Verse - $180.00
Which Torah Verse?
Word in the Torah - $100.00
Which Word in the Torah?
Letter in the Torah - $36.00
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Other Dedication

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